$40 pesos (small plant)
TRUE LEMON GRASS, HIERBA de LIMÓN, ZACATE LIMÓN, TAUJ QAB: A 2-5′ tall tropical clump-grass with a strong lemon flavor. Native to maritime Southeast Asia.
Give it very rich, well drained soil in full sun for best production. Will survive down to about 25° f. Known only in cultivation; cannot be grown from seed. This plant is easily grown and very productive in Puerto Vallarta.
Great as a tea and is widely used in Southeast Asian cooking. This particular strain has a very strong and fine flavor.
In Hoodoo, lemongrass is the primary ingredient of van van oil, one of the most popular oils used in conjure. Lemongrass is used in this preparation and on its own in hoodoo to protect against evil, spiritually clean a house, and to bring good luck in love affairs.
In the Caribbean, the tea is brewed and consumed to boost immunity. One study found the tea may exert an erythropoiesis boosting effect.
Companies such as Burger King have begun to use lemon grass in cow feed, in an effort to reduce methane emissions by changing the cattle’s diet. After a year of trials and research with scientists at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and U.C. Davis, they were able to find a formula for cows’ daily feed made with lemongrass leaves, which suggests a reduction of methane emissions by up to 33% on average during the cow’s last 3 to 4 months of life. Translated into human terms, this might mean fewer farts.
This is a very popular and useful herb and has been used for many centuries in many cultures.