Friday, July 22, 2022
12 pm
Advance registration necessary (limited space).
In the history of mankind, one type of plant has been more valuable and more sought after than any other besides those needed for basic sustenance.
Every culture is built around and with stimulating plants. Most of the early conquests of Western civilization were driven by the search for these plants. In the early days of plant exploration, these plants were called “spice.”
Modern drug companies spend millions of dollars a year searching for this category of plant. Some of these plants, coffee, tea and chocolate, for instance, are well-known and readily available almost anywhere in the world. Some of them, khat, guayusa, guarana, yerba mate, ephedra, kola, are known primarily indirectly and vaguely or only in the cultures where they originate.
This class explores stimulant plants and their cultural uses. We will also discuss the cultivation and propagation of these plants in Central Mexico. Coffee, for example, can be a stimulating ‘tea’ beverage using the leaves and not the beans. Or the fresh coffee ‘cherries’ are many times stronger than the commercially roasted ones.

Here in Puerto Vallarta, we are lucky to have a climate that is ideal for growing many of the world’s finest stimulating plants.
This class is very limited in size. Advanced registration is necessary. Directions to the nursery will be given at the time of registration. Plants are available for purchase at the end of the class and there is a 25% discount on plants bought at that time.
This class is part of our on-going series exploring the culinary herbs, exotic ornamentals and medicinal plants that will grow well in Mexico.