100 pesos (small plant)
250 pesos (large plant)

GOTU KOLA, CENTELLA ASIATICA, HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA -major: A trailing plant native to India’s marshes. Tonic, diuretic, antibiotic, purgative. Purported to be a mild stimulant in small doses and a narcotic in larger doses. Used in treating leprosy and tuberculosis. Some say it strengthens the memory, but I forget where I read that. Tender to freezing and grows best in part shade in rich, moist, acid soil. Excellent plant for naturalizing in Puerto Vallarta. Also called Centella asiatica
In Southeast Asia, gotu kola juice is widely used as a refreshing beverage, even to the point of being sold at street stands and in commercial ‘soda pop’ cans.
All kidding aside, this plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a couple thousand years for many purposes. It is worth investigating and using.
Grows prolifically and easily in the tropics and sub-tropics. Cannot tolerate freezing or dry conditions.
OTHER NAMES: Brahma-Buti, Brahma-Manduki, Centellase, Centella asiatica, Centella Asiática, Centella Asiatique, Centella coriacea, Divya, Gota Kola, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Hydrocotyle Asiatique, Hydrocotyle Indien, Indischer Wassernabel, Indian Pennywort, Indian Water Navelwort, Ji Xue Cao, Khulakhudi, Luei Gong Gen, Luo De Da, Madecassol, Mandukaparni, Manduk Parani, Mandukig, Marsh Penny, Pennywort, TTFCA, Talepetrako, Thick-Leaved Pennywort, Tsubo-kusa, Tungchian.
- Pharmacological Review on Centella asiatica – Worth reading…